1. Good product descriptions will “guide” consumers and convince them to buy.

    Good product descriptions will “guide” consumers and convince them to buy.

    You will notice the importance of a good product description if you examine your buying habits. If we are bored by the sales pitch we will simply click away without fear or embarrassment. These descriptions are there 24/7, even when you are asleep they are pitching to your prospective customers. Therefore it is important to get them right.  

    Place your product description in an environment where your customers will find the product appealing, useful, or problem-solving. This will give you major progress towards a sale.

    Green and Black’s sensory adjectives don’t just refer to taste, but also to sound and touch: crunchy and smooth.


    Here are 5 Tips for writing a product description that sells:

    1. Use a tone and a vocabulary that “fits” your audience.

    You know your customer persona – match your descriptions to that.

    A great example of descriptions is that of ModCloth, a clothing retailer that appeals to millennial women.  It has clothing divided into categories and provides snappy, witty descriptions of the general category, as well as the individual pieces. Here is the category description for work clothing.


    2.  Use Bullet Points for Scanning

    If your description requires lots of information, then, by all means, use bullet points. Customers want to scan, and bullet points allow them to do so.

    Bullet points help to give product information in very short, descriptive phrases. This is the place for answers to questions, such a capacity, materials, power, accessories, etc.  It is not the place for creative language or keywords. They belong in another part of your description.

    Reasons why Product Descriptions are Important


    3. Know your target audience

    The first step to writing product descriptions is to define your target audience.

    You want to be able to define which features would be of most interest to your potential buyers.

    Consider how you would speak to your ideal buyer if you were selling your product in-store, face-to-face. Now try and incorporate that language into your product descriptions so you can have a similar conversation online that resonates more deeply.

    As you are writing your product description, keep these questions in mind:

    • How did this person arrive at your page?
    • What are his or her interests, generally?
    • Why would this person be interested in your JamGOra store, specifically?
    • How would this person describe the product to a friend?
    • What features or benefits would interest this person the most?

    By keeping these questions in mind you will be better able to write a product description that sells.


    4. Be as descriptive as possible

    Remember your clients are not in your shop. Thankfully they cannot unwrap, unbox or cover your products with dirty finger marks. So if that tactile experience is missing you have to try and compensate for that through words. Your descriptions have to give them as much information as possible without being overwhelming. Tell them the size, the material, colour, shape and so on. These are important pieces of information that could make the sale.


    5. Entice them with the benefits of the product

    A product feature is a factual statement about the product that provides technical information. A product benefit, on the other hand, tells how the product can improve the buyer’s life.

    Your potential buyers are not as interested in mundane features and specs. They want to know what’s in it for them—how it will address their biggest pain points. That’s why you need to highlight the benefits of each feature.

    Look at the product description below, it not only describes the make and fit of the shoes, but it also includes the benefits of each style choice.


    Sperry Gold A O 2 Eye at Zappos com



    Happy to help.

    By following these five (5) tips you should start seeing results. Any questions or to become a merchant on JamGOra, please feel free to contact us via Online Chat or call (876) 776-9999


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  2. 6 JamGOra Selling Tips All Merchants Need to Know


    www.jamgora.com has become increasingly competitive for sales as sellers-base continually grows. It can become challenging to make sure that your items are found and bought by shoppers, especially through an online platform. As a merchant on our online platform, JamGOra is committed to helping you bridge the gap between you and your customers.

    We want to help you reduce the day to day hassle involved in dealing with the fast-growing consumer market and help you remain visible on www.jamGOra.com. However, the process is two-fold you have to also do your part to ensure your sales online.

    Here are the top six (6) selling tips to increase your sales with JamGOra.

    Top 6 JamGOra Selling Tips

    Leverage Product Reviews to Your Advantage

    Product reviews can go either way for sellers. Great reviews can attract more buyers. Bad reviews can quickly lead to a decrease in trust and sales.

    But, that’s also the exact reason why customers often turn to reviews before they determine whether they are going to make a purchase. It is in your best interest to encourage customers to leave positive reviews of your products.

    One of the best ways to increase reviews is to simply ask your existing customers to do so. While JamGOra will be at the forefront of this initiative, it also essential for you, the merchant to encourage your customers to write positive product reviews. Customer reviews really can make or break your success when selling online

    Optimize Product Details for Search

    JamGOra has an increasing number of products which makes it a competitive marketplace for merchants. If you want customers to buy your products over others, you first have to ensure that they can find them.

    JamGOra makes this possible by allowing buyers to continually drill down their initial search by different attributes. For example, a customer can search Jamaican Products > Jewellery > Women > Necklace. Or the customer can be very specific and search by product information such as “Spices made in Jamaica”. Either way, that customer can narrow the search for the item they are looking for.

    In both cases, JamGOra uses your product information and details to match a customer’s search for your items. Therefore, it’s critical that you provide JamGOra with accurate product information and as much of it as you can.

    This includes the product title, description, product identifiers, search terms, size, colour, etc. Do not skim on this type of information. It affects how customers find your products and help them know if what they are buying is right

    Share your product links with your audience.

    JamGOra has provided you with an access to a global platform that makes it easier for individuals to buy your products. However, if you do create awareness amongst your audience that your products are accessible online, then they will not know that they are there. JamGOra will promote and make known its platform to the public, but your products can get lost within the growing inventory.

    It is to your advantage the more people that buy your products online, therefore it is also imperative that you create campaigns both online and offline to let your current and prospective customers know you are accessible through www.jamGOra.com. Customers can search for your products using your business name, e.g. ‘Media Moguls’, or you can share direct links to some of your products.

    Take Professional Product Images

    When buying online, it’s crucial that customers can physically see exactly what they are purchasing. To do that, you need professional pictures of the items you are selling. 

    You will want to continually keep your images fresh and up to date. Having quality pictures makes you appear more professional, and trustworthy. Ensure that you post all your images on a plain white background, this allows more attention to be focused on the product.


    Your product description is very important

    Let’s face it, if you are not able to attract people to buy your products, you won’t be able to increase sales, no matter how much investment you make in advertising. Providing a proper description with all the specifications on your product catalogue is also an important input.

    A well-written product description explains the benefits of the product and convinces the customer that they not only want the product but also need it. Your product description is the one you have to grab their attention to because it can easily attract them and make them place an order.

    As your customers cannot physically touch and feel the products, your product description will be the answer to their queries like what fabric is it made from? user instructions or care instructions etc.
    Ensure you have well-written product descriptions, especially if you create your own products otherwise, your potential customers will not buy.


    Manage Inventory Proactively

    As with selling anything online, you need to proactively manage your inventory. Nothing is worse than when you sell someone an item online that you do not physically have in the stock. Item availability is also important when competing in the online marketplace, as customers will find your business as reliable and accessible.

    It’s important to stay on top of your inventory levels to avoid overselling and refunding your prospective customers because you do not have the supply they purchased.

    Happy to help.

    By following these six (6) tips you should start seeing results. Any questions or to become a merchant on JamGOra, please feel free to contact us via Online Chat or call (876) 776-9999.

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